

Mike Morse responds to second sexual assault suit filed by Geoffrey Fieger

Posted 9:25 PM, May 24, 2017

Attorney Mike Morse is responding to Geoffrey Fieger's filing of a second sexual assault lawsuit against him.


Morse released the following statement in response to the suit:

The individual was employed as a receptionist for about 18 months until she was terminated for cause on April 7, 2017.  She never made a complaint during the time she was employed at my firm.

I employ approximately 145 people, about half of whom are women. I have been in business for two decades and I have never been sued. I am not going to continue to participate in Mr. Fieger’s media circus, or his bid to attract more attention to himself and encourage baseless lawsuits.  These matters will be handled in Court.

Samantha Lichon alleges she was harassed throughout the course of her employment with the Mike Morse Law Firm.

Lichon claims she was the victim of harassment that included unwelcome comments and conduct of an offensive and sexual nature. 

Fieger previously filed another lawsuit on behalf of another alleged victim.

In that civil lawsuit, there are claims Morse molested a woman in the back of Steven Lelli’s Inn on the Green restaurant in Farmington Hills.

The lawsuit claims Morse grabbed the woman's breasts.

Morse denied those allegations, claiming the woman wanted a selfie with him.