Frequently Asked Questions

- How can I contact Channel 7?
- How can I contact the ABC network?
- What should I do if I have a possible news story?
- How can I contact a specific reporter or anchor?
- Where can I go to respond to a story?
- What can I do if I experience a Closed Captioning issue?
- Can a WXYZ anchor or reporter come to my function?
- How do I obtain video from WXYZ News or ABC News?
- What do I need to watch video on the web?
- How can I locate a past story?
- What is Captcha?
- How can I receive e-mail news and weather updates?
- Where can I browse WXYZ job opportunities?
- I have a consumer complaint. How can WXYZ help?
- How can I intern with Channel 7?

How can I contact Channel 7 Detroit?

You can contact WXYZ-TV/Channel 7 Detroit by:

Snail Mail:
20777 West 10 Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48037

Breaking news and press releases can be sent to: 
Call for Action: click here or
Chuck Stokes' editorials:

You can reach WXYZ-TV Detroit and TV20Detroit by calling 248-827-7777.

You can also reach our viewer hotline by calling 248-827-9457.

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How can I contact the ABC Network?
Send your questions, comments or concerns to the ABC network:

ABC Television
77 West 66th Street
New York, NY 10023

Click to e-mail your comments about ABC shows or ABC News.

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What should I do if I have a possible news story?

If you see breaking news or have any other story ideas, call 248-827-9407. Someone is always there to answer your call.

If you have a consumer-related news story, call 248-827-3362.

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How can I contact a specific reporter or anchor?

To reach a reporter or anchor by telephone, call 248-827-7777 or send a fax to 248-827-9444 and be sure to include their name on it.

Reporter email addesses can be found on their bio pages

You can also correspond via snail mail by writing to:
(Reporter Name)
20777 West 10 Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48037

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Where can I go to respond to a story?

If you would like to respond to one of Chuck Stokes' editorials, send an email to

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What can I do if I experience a Closed Captioning issue?

You can contact WXYZ Master Control for an immediate response to Closed Captioning issues:

PHONE: 248-827-9276 / FAX: 248-827-9287 Or via email:

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Can a WXYZ anchor or reporter visit my school or function?

For more information about anchor and reporter visits, please contact Public Relations by submitting a request.

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How do I obtain video from WXYZ News or ABC News?

WXYZ is unable to provide tapes of our newscasts, but you can contact the following company to purchase a copy of a newscast:

  • TV News Clips: 800-799-8881

If you are looking for ABC News transcripts or videocassettes, call 1-800-CALL-ABC.

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How can I locate a past story?

You can try searching for the information by using our site search. Type what you are looking for in the search box.
Not all news stories are posted on and subsequently will not show up in the site search.

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What is Captcha?

CAPTCHA is a program that protects websites against bots by generating and grading tests that humans can pass but current computer programs cannot. All you have to do is type the words that appear in the box. For more information visit

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Can I receive e-mail news and weather updates?

To sign up for our free Action Mail service, click here! We will notify you of breaking news and send daily news headlines.

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Where can I go to browse WXYZ job opportunities?

All of the current job openings for WXYZ are posted on our corporate office's website at

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I have a consumer complaint. How can WXYZ help?

E-mail your concerns or complaints to

How can I intern with Channel 7?

Click for information on Channel 7's internship program.

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The Scripps News Group is a dynamic team of journalists, all working together to bring you on-the-ground reporting that puts facts and people first. We are committed to listening and sharing the stories from communities where we live and work. We are dedicated to accuracy, accountability and transparency.