January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month and now more than ever it is everyone’s responsibility to keep children safe and protected from predators who sell children, male and female, for sex and force them to perform horrific acts against their will.
Michigan is ranked high for the number of children that are trafficked every year so we all need to be more vigilant and mindful of who our children are spending time with on social media, at school, at the movies, at sporting events and everywhere in between.
Here are some strategies you can use to keep your children safe.
Show them genuine love
This is a simple step you probably take every day and do intentionally. When your children feel loved and accepted at home, they won't go looking for that affection elsewhere. Modeling real love with your spouse and other loved ones can help them recognize the difference between true love and infatuation.
Pay attention to their social media accounts
If your child is being groomed by a trafficker, you may see some communication show up on Facebook or some other social media. Find out what sites your child visits and frequent the same ones to find out what kinds of interactions they’re having. If they seem irritated by your involvement, they could just be showing normal teenaged angst or they could be feeling guilty about illicit or secret communications. Don't be afraid to find out.
Be present when out and about
Don't get distracted when you're out in public. No matter how often you've visited a certain playground or store, there's no guarantee that it's safe every time. Cell phones can be distractions, but so can conversations with friends or other family members. A human trafficker only needs a few seconds to grab your child.
Notice unexplained gifts or purchases
If you notice your kids playing with new toys or your teens suddenly going on shopping sprees with unexplained funds, pay attention. Find out where those toys or that money came from. It's your job as a parent to be a little nosy about your child's life. Those gifts could be coming from a predator or trafficker who is trying to gain the trust of your children.
Meet their friends and their parents
When your kids mention their friends' names, do you know who they're talking about? Have you met their parents? Familiarizing yourself with them can help you gauge what kind of people your child feels comfortable with. You should also keep an eye out for older boyfriends. They may be the nicest guys in the world or they might be on the lookout for an easy target. Can you tell which is which?
Act out scenarios
Talking about hypothetical situations where your children might be targeted is a good idea, but it's even better to act out possible scenarios with them. Role play the parts of the victim and possible perpetrator. Be realistic with the scenarios and debrief them afterward to find out what your children think they would do differently in real life. Having this open level of communication is an important part of keeping them safe.
Set a curfew
A curfew can be a parent's best friend. According to Dr. Carl Pickhardt who wrote in Psychology Today, "The later you’re out, the more you are exposed to people who are stressed, tired or distracted or who are celebrating with drugs or alcohol and who may be inclined to violence, drinking and driving.” Parents set a curfew.
Agree on rules for calling home
Encourage children to take responsibility for themselves by asking them to call or text you regularly when they're out. You can agree on a set interval of sending a text or calling in so they can update you on their whereabouts and their plans for coming home. Let them know that if they can’t contact you at the specific time, they need to let you know. This constant communication will improve your peace of mind and give you an idea when something might be wrong.
If you are a victim of human trafficking, if you know someone that is or if you would like more information, please call the Detroit Wayne Mental Health Authority crisis helpline 24/7 at 800-241-4949 or visit dwmha.com .
DWMHA - Here to talk. Here to help.