OXFORD, Mich. (WXYZ) — It’s been three since the Oxford High School shooting that happened on Nov. 30, 2021. The shooting not only impacted those directly involved; it also took a toll on the entire Oxford community.
“It really, really hit home for a lot of people,” said Jamie Ayers, director of victim services for Common Ground.
Common Ground opened up the All for Oxford Resiliency Center one year after the shooting that killed Hana St. Juliana, Tate Myre, Madison Baldwin and Justin Shilling.
Seven other students and one teacher were also injured.
“We’re here to offer as many different pathways to healing as possible for as long as the community needs that support,” said Ayers.

Ayers says she spoke to community members about how they want to remember victims and survivors on the day of the shooting and they came up with “Light up Oxford with Love”
“That is lighting a candle or lighting a luminary wherever you’re at,” said Ayers. “So really this gives an opportunity for people to come together wherever they’re at in their healing journey and be together with the community and a lot of people want to be with their community as they are remembering this day.”
Ayers has this message for the families of the victims.
“I think it’s important for them to know that their community is surrounding them not only today but always,” Ayers added.
If people need help, where can they find it?” I asked asked.
“They can contact the resiliency center and we can always get them in touch with the right resources, they can also call Common Ground, we have a 24/7 helpline,” said Ayers.