

Ann Arbor soccer coach, U-M employee arrested in FBI child porn case

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ANN ARBOR, Mich. (WXYZ) — An Ann Arbor high school soccer coach and staff member at the University of Michigan has been arrested on child pornography charges after a monthslong investigation by the FBI.

Twenty-six-year-old Jacob Kromberg is facing multiple federal charges, accused of photographing young boys at high school events and contacting young boys on Snapchat and offering them money for sexual acts.

Jacob Kromberg
An undated courtesy photo of Jacob Kromberg.

The US Marshals confirmed with 7 News Detroit on Thursday that Kromberg is now in their custody after being booked in Genesee County. According to the criminal complaint, the case stems from Shiawassee County with a potential victim also in Missouri.

An archived version of Kromberg's biography on the University of Michigan website, which has since been deleted, shows he worked with the women’s soccer team as a director of operations and sports scientist. The University says he has been terminated effective immediately.

He also previously worked as a freshman boys soccer coach at Pioneer High School. The school sent an email to parents alerting them of the charges against Kromberg for sexually exploiting children.

“Got an email from the school's principal addressing the school's population,” said Pioneer parent Carl Embry, who has a son on the football team. "It's shocking, you know? Obviously, don't want anything like that to happen, don't think about anything like that happening in Ann Arbor — at least I didn't. But proof that anything can happen anywhere.”

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Ann Arbor parent Carl Embry on July 25, 2024.

According to the criminal complaint, Kromberg's home was searched Wednesday, but the investigation began in February when a 14-year-old boy in Shiawassee County told his coaches that a man on Snapchat was trying to solicit him for sex acts, saying the man traveled to his sporting events to secretly take photos of him. A coach later recognized Kromberg at another sports event and took down his license plate, which the FBI later traced to his home in Howell.

“When you thinking about high school and youth sports and stuff, you want them to compete and have fun with their friends," Embry said. "You don't want them to have to worry about predators and dangers and other things that are out there.”

Kromberg's Snapchat was also connected to a March cybertip sent to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children from a potential victim in Missouri. According to the FBI, Kromberg’s Snapchat showed he offered to pay young boys for sexual acts, writing messages like: “I'm looking for young boys 11-16" and “I go to kids wrestling meets to take pics of em shirtless.”

A search warrant at his home Wednesday also found child pornography on a hard drive.

“Sometimes, there’s wolves in sheep's clothing," Embry said. "I encourage kids if they see anything out of hand with a coach or administrator, speak up and say something.”

Both the University of Michigan and Pioneer High School say they are aware of the charges and Kromberg is no longer employed at either school. Pioneer says Kromberg did pass a background check, adding in part:

"According to FBI officials, the alleged misconduct took place in Lansing and it’s unclear if any AAPS students are among the alleged victims... We have offered school support for students and their families who had Mr. Kromberg as a coach and we will keep these families and students updated with any information from the Ann Arbor police department and the FBI.”

Kromberg has also been banned from Ann Arbor schools property and events.

The FBI declined further comment outside of the criminal complaint.