

Autonomous shuttles begin Tuesday between Corktown & Detroit's East Riverfront


An all-new autonomous shuttle service will begin running this week in Detroit.

Called "The Connect," the shuttle will operate on a 10.8-mile route from Corktown, through Downtown Detroit and to the East Jefferson Riverfront and back.

Operations began at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 13 and it will operate weekdays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Officials expect shuttles to arrive every 10-15 minutes during peak hours, and the city got an additional $1.67 million in funding from MDOT to add a fifth shuttle and extend the pilot service by a year.

During the launch, the shuttles will be manually operated to allow for operations acclimation, analyze any route adjustments and verify autonomous features needed for the city's environment.

Over time, officials say additional capabilities will be added, and full autonomous driving will be in place later this year. A safety operator will still remain behind the wheel at all times.

Riders can track the shuttles in real-time at