The beloved K-9 at the Traverse City Airport, Piper, died of cancer Wednesday night, according to a post on Instagram.
"It is with the ultimate sadness I must report the passing of my best friend and love of my life," the post reads. "Piper passed away tonight peacefully in my arms after fighting a year-long battle with prostate cancer."
Piper was in charge of wildlife control with his dad, Brian Edwards. He responded directly to reports of wildlife and conducted regular patrols.
"He spends most of his time chasing birds and other wildlife away from the runways and taxiways," according to his website.
On top of his role as wildlife control, Piper was also the chief morale officer.
"Today, Piper enjoyed a pain-free day, filled with love from family and friends, mostly his fellow airport employees," the post read. "He played soccer, got some much deserved butt scratches and yes, he chased away one last snowy owl as he sailed into the night."
As a final act of class, the post says the U.S. Coast Guard took down a flag at the air station in Traverse City, folded, and presented to Edwards as a token of their love.