

Carson, 15, would love to shoot hoops or play video games with a forever family

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DETROIT (WXYZ) — You may find 15-year-old Carson in front of a screen, on a field, or on a court. “I like to play video games. I like to play outside, play basketball,” said Carson. But he hopes to find himself in his future family’s home soon.

He’s into basketball and football, and he’s really pumped about playing video games and watching sci-fi flicks.

“I like to watch movies on my DVD player. I'm just waiting for the new Transformers movie that's coming out in 2022. I like to read comic books because I just like superheroes,” he said.

When it comes to music, he’s a big fan of rap and hip hop.

Carson is proud about keeping his grades up in school.

“I got chemistry, geometry, fitness, music appreciation, economics, and English arts,” he explained.

Working in the automotive industry is a goal of his.

“When I grow up, I'm going to work on cars,” he said. “I like the cars, how they [are] fast.”

He really enjoys when the weather is nice, and he and his friends can play outside and have ice cream together.

He dreams of having brothers and sisters and pets – maybe a Husky or a German Shepherd.

But the main dream he has is to, “spend time with my family” – the family who adopts him one day – hopefully soon.

“I just want to get a new family,” said Carson.

Carson has been waiting to be adopted since May of 2019.

If you’d like to learn more about Carson, click here.

If you’d like to adopt Carson, call the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange at (800)589-6273.

If you’re not able to adopt, you can still help!

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