(WXYZ) — Michiganders are definitely not strangers to heat and humidity, but the summer weather can at times, make face masks almost unbearable to wear.
So if you’re struggling to keep your mask on while outdoors, then you’ll want to hear this advice.
The coronavirus has not magically disappeared. And it’s continuing to spread. You just need to look at the record high case numbers happening in at least 10 states like California, Florida, and Alabama.
So yes, a mask may feel at times feel hot to wear, especially when it’s humid out. But research has shown that they can lower transmission rates, which means less folks will get sick.
I suggest that you wear ones that are light-weight like surgical masks or cloth masks. They tend to be more breathable compared to N95 masks. And if you start to feel too hot, then take a break. You can lift the mask up to let in more air and cool yourself down a bit.
But before you even think of touching your mask, it’s important that you make sure that no one is close to you, and that you use hand sanitizer first. You don’t want to transfer any germs from your hands to your mask or to your face.
Lastly, it’s easy to sweat when out in the hot sun. So you might want to bring an extra mask with you. Because if it gets damp, the mask is not as effective at keeping germs out. Which reminds me, you should wash your cloth masks when you get home to kill off any bacteria that might be on them.
I have a gym membership so I know how challenging this is going to be. Now some types of exercise will be easier than others.
I personally like to ride stationary bikes and lift weights at the gym. And in my opinion, these two will be easier than say a high-energy aerobic class when it comes to wearing a mask.
With a mask, you might need to modify your workout so your doing less repetitions or just don’t exert yourself as much.
Now you might be tempted to ditch the mask. But I can’t stress enough that working out indoors raises your risk, a lot. You're more at risk for inhaling contaminated aerosolized droplets that might be carrying the coronavirus. Or you could be the one that is forcing them out into the air when you exhale.
I know there are some gyms that have been offering outdoor classes. You still need to make sure you’re 6 feet away from others. But the risk of getting infected with the coronavirus is much lower than working out indoors.
This week on the Dr. Nandi Show: Glyphosate, What’s the Real Story? Dr. Partha Nandi, MD is raising awareness about a dangerous chemical found in weed killers that just might be sitting on your garage shelf. Thousands of people have brought suit against the maker of Roundup, saying their cancer is a direct result of the chemical. In this episode, you'll hear from scientist Chris Portier and other researchers who say glyphosate is in our air, water and soil. Plus, organic farmer Bob Quinn shares how his farm is thriving without chemical sprays. Tune in this Sunday, June 21st at 5 pm.

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Click here for a page with resources including a COVID-19 overview from the CDC, details on cases in Michigan, a timeline of Governor Gretchen Whitmer's orders since the outbreak, coronavirus' impact on Southeast Michigan, and links to more information from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, the CDC and the WHO.
View a global coronavirus tracker with data from Johns Hopkins University.
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See all of our Helping Each Other stories.
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