(WXYZ) — New strategies are being used to get more people vaccinated. 32% of Michigan is fully vaccinated. 30% in Detroit.
Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan says they have more supply than demand of the vaccines and will partner with community and faith-based groups to get the vaccines closer to people. He also says they will have mobile clinics and door-to-door vaccinations in the near future.
The messaging will also change to pastors and people in the community to urge people to get vaccines, the mayor says moving away from Dr. Fauci, the governor, and even himself.
At a clinic in northwest Detroit, Rev. Horace Sheffield is that voice. He told a group he’s seen more people die in his ministry than ever before.
“This is not fake. This is real,” Rev. Sheffield said.
Henry Ford Health System officials say COVID numbers are down slightly because we’re two weeks past spring break and Easter and people are being more cautious.
Lauren Varley is an RN in ICU with Henry Ford. She says she’s had ups and downs during the last 13 months as the numbers have gone up and down but the worst was at the beginning when she told her parents she couldn’t see them to keep everybody safe.
Marion King is an LPN who works giving vaccinations with Henry Ford. She says she didn’t want the vaccine until her mother and aunt died. She got the vaccine days after they were buried.