

Michigan reports 6,892 new COVID-19 cases, 74 additional deaths; nearly 600K recoveries

and last updated

(WXYZ) — Michigan reported 6,892 new COVID-19 cases and 74 new deaths, with 57 of those deaths being identified in a vital records review, according to new information from the state released Saturday.

There have been 738,023 cases and 16,500 total deaths confirmed in Michigan. Additionally, there have been a total of 587,283 recoveries.

Michigan's current statewide COVID-19 positivity rate is the highest it's been since April 24, 2020, the state Department of Health and Human Services said Wednesday.

Percent positivity is up 348% and case rates are up 375% since the previous low on Feb. 19. Currently, the rate stands at 15.6%.

State health officials say positivity is an early indicator of COVID-19 transmission. As positivity increases, the state expects case rates to follow. Ideally, the positivity rate should be around 3%.

Additionally, the percent of inpatient beds occupied by individuals with COVID-19 has increased 203% since Feb. 28. Currently, 11.9% of beds are being used; trends for COVID-19 hospitalizations are increasing, officials say.

Deaths have increased 75% since March 9. There were 166 deaths between March 14 and March 20.

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