(WXYZ) — As we wait to hear if Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine is granted emergency use authorization, many questions remain on the rollout process.
The government has been a little thin on specifics and that’s mostly because they’re letting the scientific community speak first, which means they’re waiting first to see if the FDA grants Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine emergency use authorization. If that’s a go, then federal officials plan to roll out the vaccine without delay. Now the current plan is to split the 4 million doses, with two million distributed to the states, and 2 million doses to be sent to health centers and pharmacies. While that doesn’t seem like a lot, another 20 million doses are expected by the end of March. And 100 million by the end of June.
No commitment has been made, but shipments could possibly begin as early as next week. But before that can happen, there are still a couple of boxes that need to get checked off. Assuming the FDA gives the green light, then next we’d need to hear from the ACIP. That’s the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. They’ll make recommendations on how the vaccine should be used, what age groups can get it, and who should get the shot first. Now they have meetings scheduled for Feb 28th and March 1st. And once they’ve made their recommendations, it’s up to the CDC to decide whether or not to accept them. And then, finally, the vaccine can get distributed and folks can start getting the shot.
The ACIP will certainly help with who should get the vaccine first. But while we wait on the plan, some states have been considering vaccinating transient populations and home-bound adults, because they would really benefit from a single-dose shot. And this vaccine would be much easier to distribute than Pfizer's and Moderna’s because it doesn’t require ultracold temperatures. Now I know many folks are hoping to have a say in what vaccine they get, but that might not happen. To me, the best vaccine is the one that’s in your arm. It’s really important that Americans get vaccinated as soon as possible. It will really help to reduce transmission rates. And we want to stay ahead of any new variants and keep their spread at a minimum in our communities.
This week on the Dr. Nandi Show, a guest shares how he once was so disabled with Parkinson’s, he fell down the stairs while holding his 10-month-old son. This frightening experience led Jimmy to change his mindset and now he's run in over 100 half marathons! So while Parkinson’s may be life-changing, the diagnosis is not a death sentence. Also joining Dr. Partha Nandi, MD are experts who discuss the effects of Parkinson’s on the body, how successful deep brain stimulation is, and if physical fitness and dance therapy can improve symptoms. Tune in this Sunday, February 28th at 1 pm.
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