DETROIT (WXYZ) — We have continually put a spotlight on the lack of electric vehicle charging stations.
Now there could be a solution, in the form of new technology that is being tested out right here in Detroit.
Something that is synonymous with cities is lampposts, and there are plenty of those around Detroit. So imagine taking that electricity to charge your car.
That's exactly what is being worked on, inside Newlab.
For Lydia Wooley, the thought of switching to an electric car is a bit overwhelming.

"The modern car is too modern for me," she told us.
"Do you think there's enough charging stations," I asked her.
“No I don’t think there are, we go shopping with my grand daughter and she has one, and she has to wait because they are all filled up," Lydia responded.
As it turns out, Lydia is not alone in feeling there are not enough charging stations.

“In terms of the US OEMs, maybe it is a little bit harder to find," said Justin Tokarczyk.

“My problem is the charging ports, if they are plentiful, then I am all in, but if not, then, we just need to have more charging ports," said Darrell Robinson.
But there might be a solution found inside Newlab in Corktown.

But the backstory for this piece of equipment starts in Brooklyn, New York.

“In the midst of the pandemic I had a son where I didn’t feel comfortable bringing him on the subway," said Jeff Prosserman.
Prosserman is the co-founder and CEO of Voltpost.
“Parking on the streets of Brooklyn, (I) recognized pretty quickly that there was nowhere to charge,” Prosserman said.
So a lightbulb, likely one in a lamppost, went off: why not take the electricity from a lamppost, and turn it into a charging station?
I went to check out this piece of technology inside newlab.
Users would download an app, find an available Voltpost, and charge up. It's equipped with two, level two charges.
So, why did Prosserman choose Detroit?
“Detroit and Michigan being the auto center of the county, working with the auto markers which are converting from gas to electric, and recognizing that in order to purchase these vehicles they need to at least see with confidence that there is going to be charging out there," Prosserman said.
Prosserman tells me this could also help cities, like Detroit, by charging for the electricity and generating revenue.

Jennyfer Crawford-Williams is the owner of "All Things Marketplace" on Michigan Avenue in Corktown. While she's all for growth in the area, she wants to make sure the businesses currently here are not forgotten about.
“I think Corktown is an amazing area," Jennyfer said. “I think that one thing that we are all hoping for is that it is going to generate that traffic that we need to keep our businesses going, even though I think everything that is happening over here is super exciting.”
Prosserman said Voltpost should be up and running here in Detroit within the next few months. The company recently teamed up with AT&T, so they are expanding.