

Detroit-Windsor Tunnel to remain open if Canada Border Agents go on strike

Detroit-Windsor Tunnel reopens following renovations

The Detroit-Windsor Tunnel said it will remain fully open and operation if the Public Service Alliance of Canada's staff goes on strike.

According to the Government of Canada, the government and the PSAC began mediation for the Border Services Group this week with the goal of reaching a new agreement.

The deadline for a new agreement is 4 p.m. Friday and they have threatened to strike if they do not reach an agreement.

The strike could impact the Public Service Alliance of Canada and Customs and Immigration Union.

"The Detroit Windsor Tunnel will remain open during any labor action by The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)" said Neal Belitsky, CEO of the Detroit Windsor Tunnel. Motorists will still be able to travel between Detroit and Windsor safely; however, I recommend budgeting additional time into their trips as there may be delays."

However, 90% of the frontline Border Services Officers are essential workers, means they will continue to offer essential services despite a strike.

Officials do say that if a strike happens, travelers should be prepared for delays, picketing outside of CBSA premises and wearing of union-related accessories.