The Detroit Zoo is welcoming its newest animal, a 5-year-old female polar bear named Suka.
According to the zoo, Suka will be paired with the 13-year-old male polar bear, Nuka, in the Arctic Ring of Life.
Suka arrived from the Henry Villas Zoo in Madison, Wisc., based on a species survival plan breeding recommendation from the Association of Zoos & Aquariums.
Talini, the zoo's 13-year-old female polar bear, was moved to Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo to be paired with an 8-year-old male polar bear named Siku.
Talini and Nuka had been unsuccessful in producing offspring since Nuka's arrival in 2011.
"It's hoped that the change of settings and partners may help these bears breed successfully," Detroit Zoo Deputy Chief Life Sciences Officer Randi Meyerson said in a release.
Suka is currently under quarantine and separated from her new mate, but will soon be paired with Nuka as breeding season is underway.