

DPD provides Christmas for 2 children in need


They fight crime, solve crimes and brighten up Christmas for families who need it.

We're talking about the Detroit Police Department's Homicide Unit.

On Wednesday, they made Christmas a little brighter for a young brother and sister.
Detroit police came armed with presents for a precious little girl and boy

Gifts include toys and game to clothes and shoes.

Eight-year old Chloe and her brother, 12-year old DeAllo unwrapped the gifts and started Christmas early.

"We want to make sure you all have a Merry Christmas," said Lt. Charles Clark.

(sot - Detective Kristin Ferency - 3:40:56-05)
"It brings everyone at homicide happiness to see them smile... laughter… really enjoying themselves - not thinking about anything elsebut getting gifts," said Detective Kristin Ferency

Detective Kristin Ferency with DPD Homicide says everyone on the squad donated money once a week this year for the holiday giveaway.

"Every year we have a family that we buy Christmas gifts for."

This year, they wanted to bring a little holiday cheer to Chloe and DeAllo who are now without their parents and living with their Aunty Stephanie.

"it was a tough year for them. I’m working with them to get their life back on track so they can be protected children and move on with their life," says Stephanie Williams.

Back in February their mother shot and killed their dad. And sadly, fired shots at both Chloe and DeAllo afterwards too. Chloe was hit in the leg, DeAllo barely missed a bullet by jumping out of the window.

"I like seeing their faces light up. They were so excited."

As a thank you to her new police friends, Chloe made a homemade cake.

"These kids deserve a normal life. Christmas is a beautiful thing for a child to have and I really appreciate Detroit Homicide for providing them a Christmas," says Stephanie.