"There's fear that's common. The common interest in our kids and fear that the pendulum is swinging in a direction that's going to impact the way we educate and keep students successful," said East Lansing Mayor, Ron Bacon.
Its clear that the community wants to sound off and hear what city officials have to say about solving the problems at East lansing High School.
So many people showed up for the city's "Listening Session" Friday night the event had to be moved into the Hannah Community Center's auditorium.
Student, Tobias Vanderbush say he's looking to see some changes at his school.
"It definitely put some fear into some of the students including myself. i hope tonight to see if we can make any possible solutions," said East Lansing High School student, tobias Vanderbush.
Vanderbush thinks creating a student body that can vote on which security guards are chosen to protect the school would be a step in the right direction.
But parents like LaToya Williams think a change in school leadership is the answer.
"I would like them to step down. Their positions, they don't deserve them. They let them go to their heads and they are the main reason that East Lansing high school is getting the attention its getting today," said Williams.
Friday's listening session was moderated by a district leader who encouraged the community to be civil as they shared their frustrations and concerns.
"Be kind. (crowd claps) Thank you so much. Be kind," said session moderator Dorinda Carter-Andrews.