NewsEducationBack to School


As school supplies costs break records, 7 Action News School Supplies Surprise helps!

Posted 9:29 PM, Aug 23, 2019
and last updated 10:42 PM, Aug 23, 2019

WXYZ — The cost of going back to school is going up.

Get this. Families with children in elementary school through high school last year spent an average of $684.79 according to the National Retail Federation. This year they plan to spend $11.91 more. Do your math class! That is a record setting $696.70.

We are working to ease the pain in your pocketbook with the 7 Action News School Supplies Surprise.

Kroger, Meijer, McKeen & Associates, National Technology Management (NTM), and Powell Consulting Group, a financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. are all surprise sponsors. We thank them for helping us help families get ready for back to school!