DETROIT (WXYZ) — “We are giving everyone two weeks' notice to get the last of their items out to the curb,” Director of the Department of Public Works Ron Brundidge said.
Starting September 4, DPW will return to bi-weekly trash pickups and the enforcement of fines for anyone putting out bulk trash more than 24 hours of their regular bulk day.
"Our crews have been out for the last two months circulating through flood-impacted areas on a daily basis. We want people to understand DPW is committed to keeping Detroit clean and we need everyone’s cooperation to make that happen," the superintendent of Solid Waste Doug Collins said.
Victims of the summer's storms and flooding have until September 3 to bring all their damaged items out to the curb without fines.
According to DPW, they have already collected over 60 million pounds of storm and flood-related debris from neighborhoods throughout Metro Detroit.
“If you need to move these items to the curb after September 3rd, call us at (313) 876-0004 or let us know through our Improve Detroit App and we will do a special pick up for flood-damaged items only, not for ordinary household bulk.”