DEARBORN, Mich. (WXYZ) — A 15-year-old student was injured when a vehicle struck her while she was walking near the intersection of Ford and Schaefer Roads his morning, Dearborn police say.
Police say the teen is a freshman at the Fordson High School on Ford Road.
The calls about the crash came in around 7:35 a.m.
Police say the 15-year-old is currently in critical condition at the hospital. We're told no other people were injured in the crash.
“Every week, we have at least one accident," said Zouher Abdel-Hak, owner of N.J. Diamonds.
N.J. Diamonds sits on the corner of Ford and Schaefer.
“I have seen people who really didn’t give a damn, they go through red lights, full speed and they end up in bad accidents," said Schaefer.

Abdel-Hak says more needs to be done to keep students safe.
“There is a school here, people should know, there should be more signs posted probably a hundred yards before they get to this intersection so maybe they slow down," saud Abdel-Hak.

“Our prayers are with the victim’s family, as well as the school staff and students at Fordson, and we hope for an eventual recovery. We continue to urge drivers to pay attention to their surroundings, slow down, and be safe on the roads," said Dearborn Police Chief Issa Shahin in a statement.
The driver is cooperating with the investigation, police say.
Related Video: Watch an update from police on the pedestrian crash in Dearborn
We're told grief counselors will be made available at the school today.
Anyone with information on this incident is asked to call Dearborn police 313-943-2241.
The Fordson High School principal posted the following letter to the school's website:
December 20, 2024
Greeting Fordson Community,
I know many in our community are already aware of the very unfortunate traffic incident that occurred this morning outside of Fordson. I would like to provide you with accurate information while at the same time respecting the privacy of our student and their family.
This morning, a 9th grade Fordson student was hit by a car at the corner of Ford Road and Schaefer while walking to school. Dearborn Police are investigating the details of this serious vehicle crash.
At this time, all we can share is that the student is in the hospital with serious injuries. As we continue to talk with the family we will pass along further details with their permission. We ask that everyone please direct all of your thoughts and prayers to the family during this very difficult time.
All of us at Fordson pride ourselves on creating a caring and supportive environment. When someone in our Fordson family is in need, we know that our amazing community will be there to support each other.
Mr. Chadi Farhat
Fordson High School