

Gardner White teams up with American Red Cross for a blood drive


Just last week, the American Red Cross announced an emergency shortage in the blood supply. So, they partnered up with Gardner White for a blood drive.

“I try to donate as much as I can," Linda Smith told me.

Smith, 71, says she has been giving blood since she was a teenager.

The blood donated to American Red Cross impacts many lives.

“You probably have heard us say over and over again that every two seconds someone in this country needs blood,” said Dave Olejarz from the American Red Cross. “And that blood goes to help new moms, newborns, someone who has been in a traffic accidents, people that are having organ transplants, sickle cell patient who depend on blood and of course cancer patients who rely on platelets as part of their care therapy.”

Smith said those are among the many reasons she came to donate blood on the last day of the blood drive.

“I’m thrilled that it goes to babies and cancer patients that are struggling,” she said.

Olejarz says the process of giving blood is quick and that it's one of the most rewarding feelings ever

“Afterward, you feel this since of accomplishment that you are helping those in need. It’s very inspiring," he said.

To find out where you can donate blood, click the link.