NewsGrant Me Hope


10-year-old Scott is a smart, intelligent, kind and creative boy


Our Grant Me Hope child this week is 10-year-old Braydon, who goes by Scott. He tells us that he loves playing with friends and using his imagination.

"My friends would describe me as smart, intelligent and kind and very creative," Scott said, according to the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange.

Scott also loves building things with Legos, and also Toga Blocks, where he builds "lots of cool stuff."

“Scott enjoys being the center of attention and will pride himself on creating a game for everybody to play,” says one of the adults who cares about him most. “He is very playful and will go out of his way to try and make people laugh. He is helpful, creative, strong and resilient. He wants to change the world someday, and I think he has all the power to do it!”

According to MARE, Scott enjoys activities that activate his brain power and give him a chance to shine.

"I want to have nice parents that have lots of fun games and always want to play with you. I want a brother and sister, and I want a cat because their also one of my favorite creatures," Scott said.

For more information on Scott, visit the Michigan Adoption Resource Change website, and view a list of waiting children there. You can also learn more on our Grant Me Hope page.