NewsGrant Me Hope


12-year-old Anniyah is a 'bright and energetic' girl who wants to be a civil rights attorney


Our Grant Me Hope child this week is 12-year-old Anniyah, who is a straight-A student and said she loves all of her school subjects.

According to the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange, Anniyah also loves learning and being active, especially participating in track and field.

When she grows up, Anniyah said she wants to be a civil rights attorney or a parole or probation officer.

"If I can make one rule that everyone has to follow in the whole world, that would be kindness. Because you never know who it's going to be," Anniyah said.

“I am kind and very smart,” Anniyah told MARE when asked the most important thing about her.

“Anniyah is great at making people around her smile,” says one of her close adults. “Anniyah is known to be a protective of people and things she cares about. Anniyah is outgoing, bubbly, and she loves to be in the middle of everything. She can be very bright, energetic, and smart.”

Anniyah would do well with a mom and dad or two female parents, but a single female parent with a strong support network could be considered. Her new parent or parents should be experienced, and trauma informed, and they must be fierce advocates for the services that will benefit Anniyah. She benefits from attention, structure, and consistency, so Anniyah would do best as the only child in her new family, however, families with much younger children will be considered.

For more information on Anniyah, visit the MARE website and view a list of waiting children there. You can also see more stories on our Grant Me Hope page.