NewsGrant Me Hope


12-year-old Lucas is a 'sweet and caring' boy with an incredible imagination


There is no limit to the imagination of 12-year-old Lucas. According to the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange, he loves dragons and even made himself a full dragon costume.

It didn't stop there. He also built a tower with Legos, and then he came up with interesting stories about it.

According to MARE, Lucas also enjoys nature walks to learn about plants and animals, and his favorite animal is a bunny.

An adult close to him says, “Lucas is a bundle of fun. He is sweet and caring. Lucas has so much love to give. He has such a bright personality.”

Lucas would do best in a two-parent household with a mom and dad or two moms. His parents will need to be experienced and trauma informed. Lucas should be the only child or the youngest child in the home. Lucas would prefer to live in an urban environment. He will need parents who will be patient, dedicated and strong advocates for services he may need.

For more information on Lucas, visit the MARE website and view a list of waiting children there. For more stories, visit our Grant Me Hope page.