NewsGrant Me Hope


14-year-old Josh loves spending time with family, is 'kind & loving'


Our Grant Me Hope child this week is 14-year-old Josh, who loves holidays and putting his family first.

According to the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange, Josh loves Mother's Day, Easter and Christmas, and he looks forward to spending them with his future forever family.

Some of his favorite foods, according to MARE, are pizza, omelets, waffles, ice cream and Chinese food.

“I am kind, loving, nice and careful," Josh said.

Josh also loves spending time with his friends, playing football, basketball and going to the park.

“Joshua is reserved, but when he gets to know a person, he will open up to them,” says one of the adults who cares about him most. “He always strives to do better, and he is caring about others. He is very knowledgeable about things he is passionate about. He is a funny young man who enjoys making people laugh.”

Joshua would do well with a single female parent, two female parents or a mom and dad who are experienced and trauma informed. His new parents should be patient and understanding as Joshua adapts to his new home. Joshua’s new forever family needs to be fierce advocates for the services that will help him blossom. He prefers pets.

For more information on Josh, visit the MARE website and view a list of waiting children there. You can also learn more on our Grant Me Hope page.