NewsGrant Me Hope


14-year-old Julian dreams of going to Disney World to ride coasters


Our Grant Me Hope child this week is 14-year-old Julian, who dreams of visiting Disney World and Universal Studios to get on the thrill rides.

He told the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange, “It would be fun! I would ride the roller coasters, and it would make my stomach feel weird.”

According to MARE, Julian also wants to have endless snacks, but his favorite food is chicken nuggets.

MARE said that Julian also loves playing video games, watching TV and swimming. One of his close adults said he is artistic and likes to draw and color.

“Julian does well in school academically,” says one of his close adults. “Julian is active and needs to stay busy. He loves to play with toys and can keep himself busy for hours playing with toys.”

Julian would do best with one or two female parents or a mom and dad. His new parent or parents should be experienced and trauma-informed. Julian’s new family must make sure he receives the support services he needs to thrive. He would do best as the youngest child in the home. Julian’s new parent or parents need to be open to letting him maintain his important and appropriate relationships.

For more information about Julian, visit the MARE website and view a list of waiting children there. You can also see more stories on our Grant Me Hope page.