NewsGrant Me Hope


14-year-old Noah loves being creative, doing puzzles, and wants to be magician


Our Grant Me Hope child this week is 14-year-old Noah, who loves being creative, building things with LEGOs, and doing puzzles.

According to the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange, Noah loves riding bikes and scooters, and he also loves baking.

He also loves reading the "Dog Man" books, and when he grows up, he wants to become a magician.

According to one of the adults close to him, “Noah has a tender heart and witty sense of humor. He is highly intelligent. Noah is not only smart but also determined. He thrives on encouragement and one-on-one time with adults. Noah is thoughtful and empathetic.”

Noah would do best with two parents, but a single parent who can meet his needs would be considered. Noah would do well with a parent or parents who are patient, experienced, trauma informed and able to provide the consistency that helps Noah thrive. He would do best as the only child, but he also could be in a forever family with other children as well as pets. Finally, his new family needs to make sure Noah get the services that will benefit him.

For more information on Noah, visit the MARE website, and view a list of waiting children there. You can see more stories on our Grant Me Hope page.