PONTIAC, Mich. — 4 -year-old Henry Richards from Pontiac says he's heartbroken that someone stole his family car with presents inside it on Christmas Eve. He believes the culprit is the Grinch, who nearly stole Christmas from the family.
Richards says he has seen the Grinch Movie, and knows all about his sneaky ways.
“He took the presents," the 4-year-old said. “The Grinch hates Christmas.”

On Sunday, Richards' father was visiting from the west side of the state with Henry’s presents in his Kia Sportage. He went into the house near Orchard Lake and South Johnson Avenue to greet the family, leaving Richards' presents in the car, not realizing what was happening right outside the home.
“He went outside to grab something from his car and it was just vanished," Richards' mom Bailey Choate said.
Choate quickly called the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, who confirmed that the vehicle was stolen. The Kia Sportage was later recovered less than a mile from the home on Christmas Day. The vehicle was damaged and according to the sheriff's office was impounded to check for fingerprints. The presents have not yet been accounted for.

“The trunk with all the Christmas gifts was stuck, they can’t open it yet until they fix everything that’s going on in the car," Choate said. “And it’s crazy because we’ve lived here for a couple years and it’s always so strange to think that it could happen to you.”
On top of the Grinch nearly stealing Christmas from the family, Richards broke his collar bone while practicing karate moves and playing with family, just one day before the car was stolen, leaving him in rough shape this holiday.
“It’s been hurting bad," Richards said.
The family is just glad everyone is safe this Christmas as Richards continues recovering.
“He can steal the presents, or material things, but you can’t take away love and family," Choate said.