(WXYZ) — The start of school also means we're heading towards flu season.
Question: What vaccines do kids need this fall? Some parents are hearing rumblings of a combined flu and COVID shot.
When kids are in group settings, diseases can spread easily. That’s why it’s essential to follow the recommended vaccine schedule. Parents should check with their pediatrician to make sure their child is up to date. For college students, it’s especially important to be current with the meningitis vaccine since outbreaks can happen on campus.
As for the flu shot, it’s a good idea to get it now since it’s already available. And while the updated COVID vaccines haven’t been approved by the FDA yet, they are expected soon. I recommend getting both vaccines as close to the start of school as possible to fully protect your kids and loved ones.
Regarding a combined flu and COVID shot, Moderna has a vaccine trial underway, but it’s currently only for older adults.
Question: When should you keep your child home from school? Do kids need to get a doctor's note to stay home sick?
In general, Michigan schools recommend keeping your child home if they have a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, weeping skin sores, or if they have certain contagious diseases like the flu, measles, or COVID-19. This helps prevent the spread of illness to others.
The need for a doctor’s note can vary by district. Medical clearance is needed for conditions like Hepatitis A, Meningitis, Typhoid fever, Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, and an intestinal infection called Shigellosis.
Many schools don’t need a note for short absences due to illness. However, if your child is out for several days, some schools might ask for a doctor’s note. It’s best to check with your child’s school or district.
And as kids head back to school, that means activities in the sports department are already in full swing.
Question: Should the state mandate a more details physical for high school athletes, specifically getting cardiac checks?
The idea of mandating more in-depth physicals for school athletes is certainly worth considering.
However, it's important to note that heart screenings like electrocardiograms - can sometimes lead to false positives. Also, a normal electrocardiogram reading doesn't mean that future heart problems won’t happen.
It’s important for any athlete who is experiencing symptoms like chest pain, fainting, seizures, or shortness of breath to see their pediatrician for further
Data from the CDC estimates that 2,000 Americans younger than age 25 die each year from sudden cardiac arrest.
This Week on the Dr. Nandi Show

Dr. Partha Nandi talks with Dr. Gail Parker as she shares her methods of healthiness through yoga therapy. Asa Bey also stops by to give insight into meditation and how it is important to fight sickness. Actress Leila Almas reveals how she saved her career through meditative practice. Dr. Dianne Mueller and Dr. Miles Nichols discuss their treatments for helping clients through their practice. And Sayum Simunye demonstrates breathing methods to aid in finding your spiritual center. Tune in this Sunday, August 25th at 1:00 PM to watch "Fighting disease THRU meditation & yoga!"