

Hearing Monday on plans to convert Woodward Loop into two-way street


The Michigan Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting Monday about plans to convert the Woodward Loop in Pontiac.

The plans call for converting the roadway from a one-way direction to two-way traffic using the current pavement, which was rebuilt in 2007.

The meeting Monday is from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Bowen Center at 52 Bagley St. in Pontiac. There will be a brief presentation, followed by an open house, to discuss the project where people can learn about design plans, impact on historic properties and more.

Proposed work would include intersection modifications and improvements, right-of-way acquisition, drainage improvements, permanent signs, new sidewalks and much more.

Work would also include rebuilding M-59 (Huron St.) within the Woodard Loop and repaving Cass Ave. with new sidewalk segments to fill in.

Construction would likely take place in 2025 and 2026 on the project.