

Highland Park police reserve officer under investigation for allegedly threatening victims with gun

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Detroit Police are investigating an incident involving two people being threatened by a Highland Park Police reserve officer with a gun.

It all started when a woman who does not want to be identified says she agreed to let her acquaintance, Eboni Dixson, stay at her house on Detroit’s east side for a month.

“She got put out of her home,” said the victim. “Not far from here and she asked me if she could stay. I talked to my landlord about it he said she was fine to stay.”

The victim told 7 Action News Dixson started trash talking her on social media because Dixson allegedly could not get into the victim’s home one day.

Dixon allegedly took to Facebook to complain her son had nowhere to use the bathroom because they were locked out of the house.

According to the victim, Dixson was not given a key but was told to call the victim when she needed to enter the house.

After that, victim says Dixson decided to move out last week.

“She came to get her stuff,” said the victim. “She had her brother with her. Her brother called his friends and they were all getting her stuff. She got her stuff peacefully.”

Then the victim, her friend, and neighbors say things took a dangerous turn.

“When she came out I said ok are you finished and she closed the door. She stood on the porch and she said this ‘b’ has the audacity to ask me if I’m finished,” said the victim.

“She pulled a gun out, pointed it both of us. Then shot it in the air,” said the victim’s friend who did not want to be identified.

The victims and witnesses told 7 Action News the reserve officer, who was not on duty at the time, fired multiple shots into the air.

According to witnesses there were children outside at the time.

No one was injured and the victims say Dixson drove off with her own children in the car.

They say at the time Dixson, who also works as a security guard, was wearing her security guard uniform.

7 Action News spoke by phone to the chief of Highland Park police who says the gun allegedly used was not believed to be issued by his department.

As a police reservist, Dixson is in a volunteer position.

Detroit police are investigating and sources say the 31-year-old will be facing charges including Aggravated Felonious Assault.

“It’s just an abuse of power you are supposed to protect our city and that’s not what you are doing,” said the victim. “You are causing harm and mayhem just like the people walking down the street being crazy.”

“Anything else could have happened but I’m glad that she did leave,” said the other victim.

While Detroit Police investigate, the chief of police in Highland Park told 7 Action News Dixson’s status as a highland park police reservist is under administrative review.