HOWELL, Mich. (WXYZ) — The fascination with Bigfoot has inspired TV shows about those chasing the famous myth and legend. However, there is a different kind of Sasquatch-search taking place in Howell after a cut-out version has been stolen.
The cut-out belongs to Brandy Springborn, who owns Handmade in Howell.
“This is going to sound funny but, I need to report my missing Bigfoot,” Springborn recalled saying to police.
That is what she told them when it went missing from her store.
“Everyone would see him and kind of knew where we were by the big Bigfoot,” she said.
We are looking for #Bigfoot in Howell! The search for Sasquatch is underway... (a missing cutout version) #bigfootsighting #searchingforsasquatch
— Syma Chowdhry (@SymaChowdhry) August 6, 2019
Handmade in Howell is on Michigan Avenue and they kept the cut-out outside on the corner for about a month. After closing Sunday night, a Sasquatch hunter committed a Bigfoot-napping.
“I couldn’t believe that somebody walked off with an 8-foot tall Bigfoot,” Springborn said.
Those living nearby, like Alaina Gibbons, said the Bigfoot is Howell’s new mascot. It's even more famous here than the actual legend!
“(It's) kind of sad," Gibbons explained. "I don’t know where he went. I think this one is more important to me at least because it’s the sign of Howell.”
The cut-out costs $125. The store posted about it on their Facebook page and have been getting tips and some chuckles.
“Somebody thought they spotted it in Farmington Hills," Springborn said. "I don’t think that would be our Bigfoot.”
She hopes the thieves return the cut-out, no questions asked.
“We would just like him back," Springborn said. "If he comes back and comes back in one piece, we are okay with that.”