

Inside Bronco Nation at Woodward Dream Cruise


PLEASANT RIDGE, Mich. — Just about every car you could imagine was seen at the Woodward Dream Cruise on Saturday.

Joe McNally drove from Goodrich to be a part of dream cruise activities specially to hang out with Bronco Nation.

Bronco Nation is a group of truck enthusiasts from all over the county.

“Just a lot of cool Bronco people,” said McNally.

McNally spent years restoring his 1995 Ford Bronco.

He says he got most of his parts from Jeff’s Bronco graveyard which is based out of Brighton. 

“Went back to college, finished that, never got a job, started selling parts, it turned into a business. It kept growing and growing,” said Jeff Trapp of Bronco Graveyard.

Jeff Trapp was hanging out with Bronco Nation on Saturday.

“It’s great, the people are super nice in the nation… it’s like a family community, everyone’s family oriented, help each other and stuff like that,” said

Trapp owns 17 Broncos. He and his son-in-law drove two of them to dream cruise.

While he loves them all, the blue one holds a special place in his heart.

“I bought it from the first owner, he was going to save it for his son,” said Trapp. “His son tragically passed away so he called me up one day and he says I want you to have the Bronco, you buy it from me but you can never sell it.”

Come Sunday, Woodward won’t look like this. Dream Cruise will be done.