Judge Rachel Rancilio, who testified in court on Tuesday, said she felt threatened by posts from Jonathan Vanderhagen on social media. Vanderhagen is charged with malicious use of a telemcommunications service, and after getting out on bond, he continued to make more posts.
A judge then ruled he violated his bond conditions, and he's currently in jail on a $500,000 bond.
In court on Tuesday, Rancilio said the posts made by Vanderhagen made her scared something was going to happen to her, or her children.
"The death threats I've been getting as a result of this stuff has been horrifying," she said, According to the Macomb Daily. "I'm terrified. It continues to this day."
On September 22 it will be the two-year anniversary of the day Deborah Vanderhagen’s grandson Killian lost his life. She believes her son Jonathan Vanderhagen is justified in feeling the court cost her grandson his life. He died in the custody of his mom after her son asked for sole custody.
“His lawyer said something is going to happen to this child. You need to get him away from the mother. There are too many red flags. And the judge said, oh that is in the past,” said Deborah Vanderhagen.
The police report filed after two-year-old Killian died shows he had a previous medical condition and investigators did not believe there was evidence Killian’s mother was responsible. His dad felt otherwise and repeatedly posted criticism of the judge who presided over his case and friend of the court on his Facebook Page.
Rancilio saw the posts, many of which are publicly targeted at her. She apparently felt uncomfortable and possibly threatened. She did not hear the custody hearing, which was handled by a court referee.
The Macomb County Sheriff’s office responded and found he criticized what Judge Rachel Rancilio pinned on Pinterest as in his opinion inappropriate, posted videos saying he feels she and others responsible for Killian’s death, and blamed the court system for his loss.
The investigative report also says at no time did he threaten harm or violence.
According to the Macomb Daily, Rancilio testified that she hired a private security person for her house.