

Lansing woman uses Michigan income tax credit to get back on track


LANSING, Mich. — Wednesday afternoon, Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist announced a tax credit would be coming to Michigan families in February. He stressed the relief this can give to many across the state. One Lansing woman used her check last year to pay for schooling so she can provide for her family.

"I really was just looking for anything to help push myself forward," Michelle Brown said. Brown is a Lansing mother who once found herself homeless.

Looking to get back on her feet, she found it wasn't easy to simply say yes.

"That can be one of the hardest things that you can do when you have no other way is to just really sit there and understand that you have to take any handout to get yourself farther," she said.

And, like so many others across our neighborhood, she received the earned income tax credit and put it toward her kit at esthetician school.

"That was a major play on me landing where I am today," Brown said.

Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist spoke Wednesday on the relief this will give families across the mitten.

"We want to go to sleep happy, we don't want to go to bed hungry, we want to wake up tomorrow confident that this day can be better than yesterday," Gilchrist said. "And so this working families tax credit expansion is yet another tool we are putting in Michiganders' toolbox to be able to take advantage of to make that future a little more possible."

This year, eligible Michiganders will receive an average of $500 in the next two months.