BRIGHTON, Mich. — After seeing our report of a Michigan State Police detective allegedly sending nude photos and videos to a woman in one of the cases he was working on, a state representative is now calling for his removal and stricter laws against these types of incidents.
Unfortunately like many college-aged women, Julia Moceri has received unsolicited nude photos.
“It is wrong, I feel like people should not be showing themselves off in that way," she said.
In the state of Michigan it is not illegal for an adult to send unsolicited nude photos or videos to another adult. However many women believe it should be.
“I just think the same way in which we apply consequences and accountability to exposing nudity within the public, the same thing should apply to our internet as well," Lexis Zeidan said.
Zeidan said when her friends receive these kinds of photos all they can do is delete, until they receive another.
These incidents are also allegedly happening within the Michigan State Police Department.Last week we spoke to a woman who claims an MSP detective of nearly three decades continuously sent her nude photos and videos.He was assigned to her after her husband took his own life in 2020. As with any death, Michigan State Police investigated.
“He would send me pictures of him grabbing himself," she said.
Watch the full report in the video player below:
We spoke to the woman anonymously after concerns she had that the detective may retaliate. She filed a lawsuit seeking damages, but criminal charges couldn't be sought since the act itself is not illegal. MSP claims the detective was investigated internally, was disciplined, but remains on the force.
“What’s happening here at the Michigan State Police," Michigan Republican State Senator Jim Runestad asked.
Runestad called a press conference Friday with the attorney who represents the anonymous woman to call for the detective's removal from the force and announce new legislation he plans on introducing that would criminalize the act of sending unsolicited nude images and videos electronically.

“This bill will not only penalize the act of sending explicit images or videos by text or electronic message without consent but it would also allow victims to recoup damages for emotional stress," he said.
State Democrats introduced something similar in the State House last year.
Meanwhile the attorney representing the woman, Bill Colovos, says since our story aired, four additional women have reached out to him with similar allegations involving the same detective at the Brighton Post.
“I’ve been contacted by three other women and actually a fourth one called my office this morning," Colovos said.
WXYZ reached out to MSP regarding these additional allegations, but have not heard back as of Friday.