Ken Lingenfelter will open up The Lingenfelter Collection for its fall open house on Saturday, Oct. 5, benefiting The Pink Fund.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and Lingenfelter said the awareness is at the top of mind not only in October, but year-round.
WATCH BELOW: Cruising Woodward with Ken Lingenfelter during the 2024 Woodward Dream Cruise
From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., people can visit The Lingenfelter Collection's 15,000-square-foot warehouse stocked with incredible cars.
Annual open houses are the only time the car collection is open to the public, with proceeds supporting charities. People can visit by donating any amount at the door.
The Collection includes exotics, Corvettes and Muscle cars with a large focus from the Performance Company showcasing cars that we modify.
The Retail Gift Shop will be open featuring a large selection of Lingenfelter Gear and Corvette Apparel and Accessories. E-Ray apparel, Z06 Apparel and all the generations of Corvette are represented. We love Corvette hats and have over 100 Different styles to choose from online and in person.
The address is 7819 Lochlin Drive in Brighton.