

Man sentenced to decades in prison after 2018 Pontiac murder, dumping body in lake


PONTIAC, Mich. (WXYZ) — A man will spend decades in prison after a 2018 Pontiac murder, the Oakland County Prosecutor tells us.

Earlier this week, Angel Jose Alvarez was sentenced to 36.5-80 years in prison after being charged with the killing of a 20-year-old victim.

A 12-person jury convicted Alvarez after he shot and killed the victim before dumping their body in Osmun KLake, and then dumping the car at Scott Lake.

The body of the victim was found on June 7, 2018, at Osmun Lake, with Alvarez being arrested shortly after that. Investigators say that around 2 a.m. early that morning, Alvarez drove to the victim's house in his mom's care. Once the victim got in the car, they were shot multiple times before the car sped off towards the lake.

“Public safety and holding criminals accountable are my top priorities as Oakland County Prosecutor and we will continue to work to keep our community safe from violent crime,” said Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald in a statement on the sentencing. “The jury verdict and Judge O'Brien’s sentence ensure that the public will be protected from this violent defendant. While these three convictions will not bring back the victim’s life, I do hope that the victim's family and loved ones take some solace in the fact that those responsible for this murder were caught, convicted, and punished for their crimes.