

Memorial for fallen officer Mohamed Said held at Melvindale High School Cardinal Stadium

Memorial for fallen officer Mohamed Said held at Melvindale High School Cardinal Stadium
and last updated

MELVINDALE, Mich. (WXYZ) — People once gathered at the Melvindale High School stadium to watch Officer Mohamed Said play on the soccer field.

On Sunday, people gathered at the stadium to mourn his death.

“He loved soccer and loved the 2016- 17 soccer team to the point in his police department locker room.. me and chief went into his locker to take the stuff and we seen a picture of the team with the league title,” said Ahmed Said, Mohamed Said’s brother.

Mohamed Said’s younger brother, Ahmed Said, was one of the people who spoke at the memorial held at the stadium.

“After he graduated, he use to come watch me play soccer until I graduated,” said Ahmed Said.

Other speakers included Said’s former teachers and Melvindale High School staff.

“There was no strangers with him, just friends he hadn’t made yet.”

Bradley MacDonald was Said’s high school social studies teacher.

Macdonald says he still can’t believe said is gone.

“I think we’re still having a really hard time processing what happened, it’s unbelievable,” said Macdonald.

MacDonald adding that said united a lot of people in the Melvindale community.

“People from all cultures, all walks of life, everybody knew ‘Mo’. Everybody knew him since he was in high school."

Ryan Vranesich, the superintendent of Melvindale and North Allen Park schools says he wanted to make sure the district honored said in their own way.

“Wanted to also make sure the family knew how sorry we are for their loss and if there’s anything of course we could ever do to help them just say the word, we’ll be on it,” said Vranesich.

Meanwhile, Ahmed Said had this to say to everyone who showed us to honor his brother.

“Appreciate you guys, me and my dad appreciate every single person who came in today, whose been asking about us for the past week since last Sunday, please keep my brother in your prayers and thank you,” said Ahmed Said.