
Michigan 1 of 11 states included in E coli outbreak linked to romaine lettuce


Most shoppers 7 Action News spoke to hadn’t heard the news, despite having their fridge stocked with salad.  

Almost three dozen cases of e-coli infections have been reported across 11 states, including in Michigan.  

The CDC said the affected product stems back to Yuma, Arizona, but no specific grower, supplier or distributor has been linked. 

So what are you to do with the romaine in your fridge?

The CDC said if it’s an unmarked chopped mix or can be traced to yuma -- get rid of it. 
If you’re unsure if the lettuce is romaine or if you bought it from a restaurant, just throw it away.

Ecoli is serious, especially for young, anyone who is immunocompromised or the elderly. 

Symptoms of an infection include diarrhea, severe stomach cramps and vomiting.

Today, local grocery stores were hurrying to clear any potentially contaminated products. 
Inside Kroger was this recall notice notifying customers that all bagged and chopped romaine had been removed. Slots sat empty for romaine mixes at Meijer as well. 

Other stores like Costco and Fresh Thyme said their romaine is not linked to the outbreak, and therefore would stay. 

The CDC said romaine produced outside of Yuma is still ok to eat. 

If you notice you do have romaine you’ve been eating stems from Yuma, Arizona, you don’t need to be alarmed unless you’re developing some of those serious symptoms. That's when you’ll need to contact your medical provider.