A local doctor has pleaded no contest to more than two dozen charges related to sexual assault, according to the Oakland County Prosecutor's Office.
Zvi Levran, 68, who was known for providing medical assistance to youth hockey teams in Michigan and Minnesota, pleaded no contest on 28 different charges. They are:
- 11 counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct
- 10 counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct
- Three counts of second-degree criminal sexual conduct
- Two counts of child sexually abusive material
- Two counts of child sexually abusive activity
The investigation into Levran began several years ago and he was taken into custody in 2022. Levran was accused of assaulting young male hockey players inside a home office. In October 2024, prosecutors added more charges against Levran.
Watch below: Records show doctor accused of sexual assault has history of state complaints
“This guilty plea holds Zvi Levran accountable for his crimes and provides justice for his victims,” Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald said in a statement. “Today’s outcome ensures Levran’s victims will not be re-traumatized by the burden of testifying at trial. It also spares them any further uncertainty about the outcome of this case. The victims were heard, and their stories were believed. Zvi Levran is guilty.”
Prosecutors intend to ask a judge to give Levran the maximum sentence of 15 years. He will be sentenced on April 29.
Watch below: Witnesses describe graphic interactions with hockey doctor Zvi Levran
During a 2023 hearing, witnesses painted a pattern of behavior: meeting Dr. Levran when he was their hockey doctor, keeping in contact over the years, participating in medical care and yoga sessions in the basement of Levran’s home that they allege eventually crossed the line.
“It was taking me a while trying to pee because I had gone to the bathroom before I went there. So I was just kind of standing there, not peeing. And that’s when he was just, ‘I’ll hold the cup.’ And he held my penis and was like, ‘You just focus on peeing. I’ll make sure everything goes in the cup. You don’t have to worry about it,'" said the witness.
Another witness reported being in a bad place in his life and reaching out to Dr. Levran for some therapeutic yoga.
Watch below: More emotional testimony in Zvi Levran hearing
“He told me that he practices, he hosts private yoga sessions for small groups of people at his home. Only caveat being its naked yoga,” explained the witness.
He said these sessions were followed by “relaxation massages.”
“They just became kind of progressively more, like, groin oriented with that massage phase,” the witness said.
He said he was willing to put up with the weirdness of his interactions with Dr. Levran because he was trying to be open-minded. He admits he returned for repeat one-on-one naked yoga sessions in Levran’s basement.
Eventually, though, he said on the 5th or 6th, he was sexually assaulted.
The witness says he told his fiancée at the time, but no one else.
“I didn’t talk about it once. Part of it was embarrassing. Part of it definitely felt like I was to blame for looking past so many red flags. And then you know, maybe if you don’t talk about it, it didn’t happen,” said the witness.
He said that’s where it ended until he saw an ad on Instagram asking if anyone had interactions with Dr. Levran.