(WXYZ) — According to the CDC flu map, Michigan is now seeing a high level of flu cases.

This comes as both COVID cases and RSV cases continue to rise across the country.
And with Christmas just ending and new year celebrations around the corner, experts worry that cases for all three could only climb further.
According to the Department of Health data, cases have been climbing since October.
Michigan's 7-day COVID average has been climbing for weeks and experts believe the actual infection level is a lot higher due to unreported at-home testing.
RSV is still an issue among kids and now the CDC is urging doctors and parents to be on the lookout for signs of Strep A, the rare but rising invasive form of bacterial infection in kids.
"Be aware of things like fever, chills, muscle aches, new rashes that might be warm or tender to touch painful joints," Dr. Alok Patel said. "Some kids can even have altered mental status, or they can appear more sleepy than usual. In general, the symptoms are gonna be far more severe."
Doctors say if you are experiencing any flu-like symptoms, it is best to avoid any social gatherings and to seek medical attention if the symptoms get worse.