

Middle schooler wins 2022 State of the State art contest


(WXYZ) — Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced Tuesday the winner of her 2022 State of the State art contest. 

Grace Murtha of Hemlock Middle School was selected as the winner from five student finalists. According to a release from the governor’s office, nearly 800 students submitted their work from around the state.

Murtha’s artwork will be featured on the 2022 State of the State program cover. The cover theme was “why do you believe in Michigan?”

“Michigan is home to some of the most beautiful landscapes on earth, but it’s also home to some incredibly talented students who turned those backdrops into amazing works of art,” said Governor Gretchen Whitmer in a press release. “I want to thank every student who took the time to create these masterpieces and submit their interpretation of why they believe in Michigan. It’s inspiring to see the passion and potential in all of the gifted and creative students in this state.”

Check out the winning piece below:

Whitmer’s State of the State address will be broadcast on January 26.