

Detroit's Most Wanted: Daniel Pierce

Detroit's Most Wanted: Daniel Pierce

A convicted sex offender in Oakland County, out of prison and refusing to register his location.

The U.S. Marshals fear he could be in your home, looking for his next victim.

Daniel Pierce served nearly 10 years in prison for sex crimes against a child.

He hasn’t complied with registering as a sex offender which the Marshals say could only mean he’s out to claim more victims.

“Someone who commits these types of crimes against a young person or any person for that matter, there’s no rehabilitation that’s gonna fix them,” Deputy U.S. Marshal Rob Watson said.  “If they’re out doing that before they’re going to continue to do it again.”

Fears spike each day this 37-year-old child molester walks free.

“This guy is a convicted sex offender, he was convicted on numerous counts of criminal sexual conduct – 1st 2nd 3rd and fourth degree back in 2001,” Watson said.

Pierce has failed to register as a sex offender since December of last year, classified as tier three which is considered the most dangerous, he’s landed at the top of the U.S. Marshals Most Wanted list.

“We believe he’s in the Oakland County area, he has friends he has ties, he has family and we think they’re helping him out,” Watson said.

He says Pierce has done construction work and believes he may be a sub-contractor which allows him in and around your home.

“This person could be coming into your house to do something legitimate but also he might be looking around to see if you might fit the profile for his next victim,” Watson said.

Daniel Pierce is 6’1” tall and 230 pounds and last registered as living in Pontiac in December.

“The fact they’re failing to register tells me they’re probably going to commit again,” Watson said.

There is a cash reward for any information leading to Daniel Pierce’s arrest.

Call the U.S. Marshals anytime at (313) 234-5656 and remember you can remain anonymous.