

MSU dropping mask mandate in classrooms & most labs next month

Michigan State University's campus on a cloudy day in July

(WXYZ) — Michigan State University will be dropping its indoor mask mandate in classrooms and labs next month, the university said.

MSU President Dr. Samuel Stanley said in his letter to the community that starting May 16, face masks will not be required in classes, academic labs and in most research labs.

The university will continue its COVID-19 vaccine and booster mandate for the 2022-23 academic year.

According to the university, there may still be unique situations where masks are required, like in campus health facilities.

"Even as much of society returns to a more normal environment, we must remember the significant impact that COVID‑19 has had, and is still having, on many members of our community. Now, more than ever, is a time for civility, empathy and respect," Stanley said.