

Natural disaster map shows why Michigan is the perfect state


If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you. That's Michigan's state motto, and a new map shows how great the state of Michigan may be compared to other states.

The U.S. Natural Disaster Map, tweeted out by account @MichiganBests, shows that the state of Michigan is one of the best places to live in the country if you want avoid natural disasters.

Sourcing the Red Cross and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the map shows the risks for earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and tornadoes.

Of the continental United States, only the Michigan is the one that doesn't appear under any of the categories. Yes, we do have crazy weather. In fact, last week we nearly set a record for warmth on Thursday after weeks of temperatures below freezing. By Friday, less than 24 hours after temperatures in the 50s, it was snowing once again.

The highest risk for earthquakes comes on the west coast, with the moderate risk extending all the way into mid Colorado, while Tornado Alley is not surprisingly at the highest risk for tornadoes.

Check out the map below.