(WXYZ) — Major inequities are apparent between white residents and Black residents in Detroit, according to a new report released by Detroit Future City.
Those inequities are present in income, education, entrepreneurship, housing and more.

Courtesy Detroit Future City
The State of Economic Equity in Detroit report from Detroit Future City engaged 500 community stakeholders which represented residents, kids, nonprofits and more in Detroit.
"The future of Detroit must benefit all Detroiters and unleash the economic promise and well-being of its residents. However, the current reality is that, in spite of a decade of growth, substantial economic inequities persist in Detroit," the report's executive summary reads.
According to the report, the median income increased 60% for white Detroiters compared to just 8% for Black Detroiters, and the median income in Detroit is half of the median income in the metro Detroit region.
On top of that, the unemployment rate for African Americans is 1.5 times higher than white people.

Courtesy Detroit Future City
When it comes to education, only 17% of Detroit's third-graders are proficient in English language arts compared to 43% in the region, and only 17% of residents have a bachelor's degree or higher.
Life expectancy is also a major difference compared to the region, with someone living in Detroit having a life expectancy of five years less than someone in the region.
"Although there are many issues facing the city and its residents, the disparities in income and wealth, both across the region and by race and ethnicity, are paramount," the report said. "Increasing incomes will require strategies to both increase educational attainment and to increase the number of middle-wage jobs."

The report also listed ways to improve economic equity in Detroit. They include improving education levels, increasing middle-wage jobs, improving access to affordable health care and more.
The entire report is below.
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