DETROIT (WXYZ) — As the city of Detroit and the NFL continue clean-up and take-down efforts of the draft experience downtown, local nonprofits are benefiting by receiving stage materials like carpeting, wood and even the stairs that were used by NFL hopefuls as their names were called in the draft.
"I think grateful is the word," Detroit Dog Rescue Executive Director Kristina Rinaldi said.
Rinaldi and her team received a call from Penske a few weeks back to help take down draft stage materials. The reward? Getting to keep many of the items they were taking down.

"I was really surprised at the amount of big pieces we’re able to take with us," Rinaldi said.
Detroit Dog Rescue will be helping with takedown all week from sun up to sun down, but they say the reward is worth it.
"All of the wood that you see, even some of the metal, even some of the signage, it’s all going to supply a free spay and neuter shelter for the city of Detroit," Rinaldi said.
VIDEO: Detroit Police Chief James White breaks down the outstanding job his officers did at the NFL Draft:
The new spay and neuter clinic with be on Detroit's east side and is expected to open in a few months. The nonprofit will provide free services to dogs in the Detroit area and beyond. Draft stage materials will be used in the build.
“There isn’t as much money to go around to the nonprofits and so when we are required to buy things like wood and nuts and bolts, simply things we need to build kennels and build walls. So, this makes a significant impact to Detroit Dogs Rescue," Rinaldi said.

Rinaldi also says she is sharing the wealth and is making calls to other nonprofits to see who needs some of the materials including Blight Busters.
"I immediately knew what this could do for not only DDR but so many nonprofits," she said.
Rinaldi's plans to preserve posters and signage so when people stop by Detroit Dog Rescue, they're reminded of the NFL Draft and the impact it had on the city.