

Oakland University students call for security upgrades at buildings


Students at Oakland University are calling attention to security concerns on campus and asking for safety improvements after the deadly mass shooting at Michigan State University in February.

A petition is going around the campus asking for security enhancements like ID scanners for all buildings to ensure the safety of students, staff and faculty.

Right now on the campus of Oakland University, doors to buildings are left open, giving access to anyone to come inside one of the halls.

While the buildings are accessible, the doors to classrooms are locked and access to dorm rooms have access codes needed to get in.

"Random people shouldn't be able to just walk in here," Chloe Lebow said.

It was a concern that's turned into a fear following the shooting at MSU.

"Even now, when the door slams shut, you're like, 'what was that? what happened? is somebody in the building?' I don't want to feel that feeling anymore, I want to feel safe," Olivia Happel said.

Both students at OU started the petition to tighten security, asking the university to install key access cards for entry, a system already in place at their school of medicine and Wilson Hall.

A spokesperson for the university sent a statement saying, "Our university has provided significant financial support for the upgrade and expansion of existing security systems on campus. The university also continues to explore additional security options for potential future implementation."

They did not specify if swipe access locks are being considered.

In addition to the petition collecting hundreds of signatures, Lebow and Happel are also leading a peaceful protest on campus, hoping to give students a piece of mind.

"We shouldn't worry about if we are going to return home after coming to campus every day," Lebow said.