

Officials urge practice of 'social distancing' amid coronavirus pandemic

Hand sanitizer
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(WXYZ) — “Social distancing” is a phrase we’ve been hearing more to fight against coronavirus. That includes less handshaking, less hugs and going out less.

RELATED: Coronavirus in Michigan: What has been changed or canceled?

The coronavirus is starting to affect day-to-day activities and interactions. Experts say “social distancing” may be one the of the best ways to fight COVID-19.

Universities are canceling in-person classes, sporting events might soon be crowd-free and some large gatherings are being post-postponed. These are all things being done to stop the spread of coronavirus. Experts say social distancing is something you should be practicing right now.

“Social distancing has found to be a huge benefit in prevention,” said Oakland County’s Medical Director Dr. Russell Faust.

That’s what health experts say is key in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Besides practicing good hand washing and hygiene habits, what's the next best way to avoid getting sick?

Avoid other people, if you can, officials say.

“Six-feet away from other people when you are accumulating, gathering in public spaces," Faust said. "And six feet certainly away from anybody who is sick.”

Avoid handshaking, and now experts say avoid crowds, like sporting events and watch it on TV. Work from home if you can. Do someone shopping online instead going to stores.

“(I've) decreased the amount I’m going to the gym, right now,” said Ryan Rudolph.

He is practicing some social distancing. He’s still giving out hugs but has been avoiding shaking hands.

“I don’t know if it makes good sense but that’s the way I’m doing it,” he said.